This is of course the messy bun. The perfect combination of work and play. With so many ways to make it your own, a messy bun will even fit into the 28 seconds you have left to do your hair!
On a bit of a side note, my hair is obviously ridiculously curly. A bit has to happen before I even start doing anything with it. For those of you with curls, here's what I do: Have a shower in the morning, condition your hair with a moisturising conditioner, and wash it all out. Next, comb your hair with an afro comb under the shower. Before drying your hair, I rub through 'Paul Mitchell, The Conditioner'. This is one of the most fabulous products ever. Finally, Just twirl your hair around your fingers in that flirty way you have already mastered :) Now, for the messy bun.
First, brush out your hair and tie it into a pony tail. The easiest way to do this is to bend over, and let your hair fall down around your stomach. Rake your hair through it, and tie it into a pony tail. I prefer a high style, but doing it low works too for a more professional style.
Next, hook your first two fingers under your elastic, stretching it out a little.
Pull your pony tail back through the elastic, just over 3/4 of the way.
Now it's time to get messy with your messy bun! Twist it around and pull a few bits out around your face until you get it how you like it.
Thats my School Hair Tutorial all about done, so have fun playing around with that. I hope everyone has a really great first day of school! Remember - Chins up, Smiles on. -Effie Trinket.
Savannah xo
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