16 Apr 2014

Blogathon Day 3: My Top 10 Blogging Tips

At the start of this year, I wrote a list of blogging tips, as guidelines to further my blog. I figured some of my readers might write their own blogs too, so I decided to share my tips. This one is for you.

1. Use social media
Social Media, particularly Instagram, is huge in the blogging world. It's an awesome way to share between posts, and also a great way to get 'discovered'. Other bloggers can easily check out your page, and that’s where the friendship begins.

2. Make Internet friends
Almost everything is more fun with a friend, so it's a good idea to find some blogger buddies. They’re a tone of fun, and there is heaps of potential for guest posts etc. That said, be Internet safe, don't chat to scary looking people! Also, be a nice Internet friend, just because it isn't face to face, doesn't mean you can be rude. If you don’t know where to start- shoot me an email! I don’t bite, I promise!

3. Take advice
Obviously when seeking advice, look to someone more experienced than you. This one has a lot of options, there are blogging books, and you can email more experienced bloggers with questions, or even recruit a mentor. Take advice seriously, and use it to better your blog.

4. Advertise
Put a bit of thought into what kind of readers your looking for, or the type of people that would like to read your blog. From this, think about the best places to advertise your blog. This could be on social media sites, on other blogs, in your community or elsewhere.

5. Be consistent
It's important to post regularly, to keep your readers interested and engaged. There's nothing more annoying than when a blog you love doesn't post enough. Also, this makes it easier for your readers to track your posts, especially if your posting at regular times.

6. Write for magazines
Sometimes with all of the fashion, food, beauty and DIY-ing we forget the basis of blogging, and that is writing. There is no use writing a blog if your writing isn’t great. That sounds scarier than it is. Like everything else, improvement is easy with practice. That’s where magazines come in. Writing magazine articles can be quite similar to blog posts, their fun, and a great way to get more comfortable with your writing. Oh – and when I say magazines, I mean the Instagram based ones, that get published online. Don’t go emailing Dolly or Girlfriend! Just get on Instagram and hunt around for these online magazines. There’s heaps out there, so find one you like, and email the editor. Usually, the editors are awesome, and will be keen for you to get involved!

7. Be creative
A wise man once said, The world worships the original. I have found in life, there is little that is more true than this. Be different. Be daring. Be unique. It’s intriguing, interesting, and will draw readers to your blog. I wouldn’t beat yourself up over this one, if you copy an idea or two, and you do it well, that’s obviously still going to be a good post. Nothing is 100% original.

8. Read other blogs
If being original seems challenging, remember inspiration is crucial in any writing process. To better your blog, read blogs that are better than yours. Not just in blogging, but in all areas of your life, be it school, sport, or anything else, watch and socialize with people better than you and watch what they do. Eventually, it will rub off on you. Some of my favourite blogs to read for this are Spin Dizzy Fall, and Views of Now.

9. Know what you want - and go for it!
It's important to sit down and figure out what you want to get out of your blog. Is it just to pass the time? To grow your skills in your area? To meet new people? To get followers? There is no right answer, it's totally personal, you just need to figure it out. Once you know what you want, go for it! If you want to grow your skills, spend time doing. If you want to meet people, spend time emailing other bloggers. If you want followers, spend time promoting your blog. Don't be put off if you don't achieve your goals straight away. Don't give up on them and remember - everyone starts somewhere. 

10. Be prepared
This is something I am learning slowly. Always be prepared. When inspiration strikes - make sure you can write it down. When opportunity comes, be one step ahead, already thinking about how your going to approach  it. If your a fashion blogger, wear blog-worthy outfits wherever you go. But my absolute, without a doubt, number one must do is this. ALWAYS CARRY A CAMERA. There are many times in life when your iPhone camera just won't do it, so carry your camera always for some awesome impromptu shots. I've found a few times I'll be out, and I'll be like 'oh hey, that's a cool wall. Let's take some photos!' From seeing these kind of shots on other blogs too, they look awesome! 

This has been my top 10 blogging tips, I hope I've given you some things to think about. Also, I hope everyone is enjoying the blogathon as much as I am! I just adore the extra time in the holidays! Stay tuned for more tomorrow :)

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