9 Apr 2014

Urban Challenge Photo Diary

1. Saw Dory on the Manly Ferry
2. Ants climbing the Harbour Bridge
3. Bondi beach afternoons
4. Rhino!
5. A door I thought was artsy
6. St James Station
7. Circular Quay
8.Street Art
9. Totally badass street art

Hey Ya'll!

Today I'm mixing it up a little with a post on Wednesday night instead of my Tuesday regular. I had my last assessment of the term due today so now it's back to blogging. Oh how I have looked foreword to this moment. I'm super pumped up, and have planned some awesome stuff for the next few weeks. Watch this space!

So, most of you might not know this but I really love photography. Before my Instagram account was @zola_blog it was @flamingo_photography. Photography used to be my big number one hobby, but then blogging sort of took over. Never fear though, I'm getting back into photography! It's just so big at the moment!

Anyway, I went on the Urban Challenge last week, and this is my photo diary, a collection of beautiful oddballs. For those of you that don't know, the Urban Challenge is basically a giant exhaustion bubble of laughter and fun. You are given all these riddles and challenges etc, and you have to go around your city trying to decipher things, and complete challenges/classes/eating and all that sort of thing. Think amazing race twelvie style!

That's all for now, hope your life is as totally fabulous as mine is right now! (Apart from the fact it is dark so early now. It's super super weird!) And seriously - watch this space, big things are coming!

Luv ya,
Savannah x

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