19 Aug 2015

Q and A Video!?

Guys I'm stressing out.
It is not Tuesday.
I didn't post on Tuesday.
I always post on Tuesday.
In fact, It's Wednesday. 5:59am.
The house is dark, the street is dark.
The world is silent aside from my fingers sliding along little illuminated keys.
And I'm writing this blog post.

But seriously, I DO NOT like missing Tuesday and I am very very very very very very very very very sorry. There are no words to describe how bad the wifi is at my house. I started uploading this video yesterday (TUESDAY!!) At around 10am. It's now 6:02am (WEDNESDAY) and my video is 59% uploaded with 442 minutes remaining. Incase you were wondering thats about 7 hours... Cheers YouTube.

All technology annoyance aside, I had the BEST time making this video, and I'm really proud of how it turned out. Actually, that reminds me of another technology annoyance... iMovie deleted the end of my clip which just makes me cry but all it said was you guys are fab, this video is fab and I'm going to make you more in the future. Which is true!! The next few months will feature technically troubled but nevertheless awesome videos - get excited sweet potatoes! I'll cya next TUESDAY :)
Till then, make sure you follow Zola here to keep up with all the shenanigans.


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